【汉开成美】教师分享 | 不一样的教育体验,注重品格的培养!

品格教育Character Education通过建立社区意识和有意义的关系,给学生提供积极的教育经历”是深圳汉开剑桥国际中心的愿景。
Shenzhen Hankai Cambridge Curriculum Centre was launched with a vision. “To provide a positive educational experience through a sense of community and meaningful relationships.”
It is our belief that through positive educational experiences students can achieve high grades, go to the worlds best universities and be essential, active members of society who are passionate kind and ambitious. We felt the best way to achieve this was to create an environment that nurtures good behaviors and morals in students.
As the great Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said “Character becomes your destiny,”  this is a quote that is very apt in our beliefs. The choices an individual makes determines their future, and the purpose of developing good characters is to give students the ability to make good choices. Character allows us to flourish as individuals, and as a wider society. This is why the development of character, as well as achieving academic attainment, should be the purpose of education.
How can we create students with good characters?
We don’t believe that there is a blueprint for how character education should be delivered. Character education should be shaped by the needs of the children and community it serves. But we do believe that for it to be truly transformative it should be planned, intentional and fully embedded across the whole-school. Only then can character be truly ‘taught,’ ‘caught,’ and ‘sought.’ For us to develop a planned approach to character education we joined the Association for Character Education which is a community of schools that all value character education like us. The Association for Character Education (ACE) is a group of 30 plus schools based in the UK and one from Dubai and one from China (Shenzhen Hankai).
ACE is the UK’s largest character education-based community of practice. ACE recognize, share and enable outstanding practice in character education within their network. This involves harnessing the extensive expertise that exists within their community, so we can learn from other schools, and they can learn from us. Every year ACE holds a conference on Character Education where each of these schools can gather and discuss best practice for Character Education. Additionally, ACE works closely with the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtueto which guarantees that their ideas on Character education are guided and shaped by the latest research.
How does this work in practice?
We recognized from the beginning that in order to build the right type of student characters our teachers must lead by example. It became apparent that a key theme to Character Education was the need to build a strong respectful relationships with our students. Building that relationship takes time but by creating opportunities for small groups of students to spend quality time with several teachers we were able to create the environment needed for those students and teachers to bond.
Treating students with respect and allowing them to express themselves is incredibly important to our version of education and is something we believe is essential for success. One of the ways we have developed this is to include the students in the decision-making process. Remember that the aims of Character Education are to teach students how to make good choices. It is our intention to develop agency within our staff and students and we nurture this agency by giving some autonomy. In the first week of school the students were told that we should have some rules and they were asked to create the rules for their cohort.
If the students couldn’t follow the rules that they had laid out, then the punishment for not following the rules was decided by the class. In this instance students were late to class and their punishment was to run back to their dorms and back in record time.
One of the greatest concerns for international education in China is that students struggle to migrate from the traditional discipline in Chinese national curriculums that is strictly enforced by the teachers to the more active learning and self-disciplined approach of international education. For us the need for students to develop that self-discipline far outweighs the need for them to be disciplined. We believe that learning discipline is a process and by maintaining a strict control over your students you are robbing them of the ability to learn how to be disciplined in their life, study and work. Our aim is to teach good habits and discipline, not enforce them on the students. One of the ways we achieve this is by allowing students to make mistakes. We have found that through a combination of support, reprisal and encouragement students can make the right decisions.
Students took it upon themselves to create their own cleaning rotas with different students each day responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the classrooms.


Why the sense of ownership is important?
Throughout society you will see people spitting, littering and vandalising things in public but these same people will keep their own homes clean and take care for their belongings. This is true for students too. We felt the need to give them their own space that they are responsible for and try to encourage them to maintain their own rules and regulations in their own space. We did this by scrapping the homeroom concept seen in most schools and replacing it with our own common room concept.
Students were told that the common room was their space and that they could do what they want with it but they must keep their teachers happy so they must consider how to keep it clean and inviting.
Students have struggled to maintain the room, but we found that with a little nudge from a teacher from time to time they kept the room clean and tidy. The common room has been a great hit with the students who enjoy the fact that they have their own space that they oversee.
Another great concern for parents is the management of technology. Due to the government ruling that mobile phones are not allowed in school we do not allow our students to have a phone during the week. However, we do allow them to use ipads and laptops.
In this modern age students need to be computer literate, so we encourage the use of ipads and laptops. A Level is designed in a way students are expected to do further reading and research beyond the regular curriculum, so it is essential for students to be able to independently study and research their chosen courses further. Which means students need to be self-disciplined by the time they reach A level.
The use of technology has been a tricky one as some students have addictive tendencies and struggle to control themselves, but we found with close monitoring, and mentoring students can use their electronics in a productive way. For some students we would have to take stronger measures then we would with others and remove their privilege to use their electronics. Which we would return a week or a month later depending on how many times they have misused their electronic device.
We believe that this is an essential part of teaching students the right habits and characters and a that a complete ban of the use of electronics would not help a student learn to control their addiction towards electronics. We have found through observation of schools that ban the use of electronics that students will simply hide their use of electronics from their teachers, which in turn is teaching students bad habits and teaching them to be mischievous and deceitful. For us we prefer an open use policy which means we allow students to use their electronics in full view giving us the chance to monitor their use and avoid overuse and misuse from students.
Why we put emphasis on community?
We believe in learning communities which involve parents, students, and teachers and that by building a community we can encourage students to develop their characters in a positive way, improve relationships with students and parents, students and teachers, and most significantly improve the academic outcome.
The most significant way to develop a community is through constant communication. As an international curriculum centre communication is more difficult than it would be in a traditional set up as our teachers and parents often cannot use the same language to communicate. We develop this by first making sure that parents receive regular weekly feedback of the students’ classes, highlighting what the students have learnt that week and making mentions of students of note. Secondly, we encourage parents to attend our regular “coffee time meetings” which take place fortnightly and allow parents to come to the school to have a direct conversation with a certain teacher. And thirdly we have the traditional parents’ meetings that take place four times a year.
We encourage our students to be involved with the process and ask them to translate for their teachers. We believe that every opportunity is a learning opportunity and by using students instead of teachers to translate for the foreign staff we are giving the students another opportunity to improve their public speaking skills and their English language skills.
We further develop these communities through activities and events that are beyond the regular curriculum. Giving the students and the teachers an opportunity to bond and build relationships that are healthy and responsible. Every activity has a purpose and value that is considered in the development of our students’ characters. One of the most important areas of develop in our students that we crave is the ability to have a global perspective and to understand other points of view.
We believe our students should be respectful to others and consider the differences. We do not demand that our students all have the same belief system, but we hope that they can understand those who are different to them and consider their feelings and motives. One of the ways we do this is to introduce our students to new things that they don’t have experience with.
How does this affect the student outcomes?
So far, we have had great success with our students. Achieving fantastic academic results and producing students who are self-disciplined, respectful, hard working and considerate. We have found that by having an emphasis on character education that other positive biproducts have started to reveal themselves. One of those biproducts is the healthy mind of our students. Our students are always smiling and laughing and full of joy and happiness.
They are confident with their teachers and are happy to sit and have conversations with them about the world and their interests. They understand the value of their education and understand the value of enjoying their school life. They work extremely hard but equally have fun with jokes and laughter. We have found that the happier our students are the more willing they are. They are not afraid to try new concepts and ideas and are not afraid of a challenge.
Our students are now starting to take the initiative and volunteer to help with Covid testing or support the elderly. We didn’t tell the students to do this they did it on their own because they wanted to do it and I believe this is a biproduct of our focus on character education.
Our journey with character education has only just begun but so far, the journey has been full of joy, happiness, and academic success. We can’t wait to see where the journey will take us next.